The IDIC encourages nurses’ innovative proposals

The Centre d’Innovació i Desenvolupament Infermer (IDIC) (Nursing Innovation and Development Centre) develops different programmes with the aim of boosting innovative proposals that place nursing professionals in Barcelona at the cutting edge of its field as the creators of a new professional, business, social and economic model that is more efficient, sustainable and wholesome, an international benchmark.

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The Centre d’Innovació i Desenvolupament Infermer (IDIC) of the Official College of Nursing in Barcelona is an integral and transversal centre, which bases its activity on the following central pillars: the promotion of entrepreneurship and innovation, nurse intervention in companies through new consultancy models, advanced training for the development of new nursing skills and the implementation of networks that connect talent in the profession. Its main objective is to develop strategies that have an influence on generating a cultural change within the nursing profession with the aim of empowering it and helping it to achieve a leading position by offering innovative products and services through the attainment of high-level skills.

The centre is currently developing three programmes:

▪      Empre’Sa, aimed at consultancies for health and non-health projects or companies.
▪      Innov’Acció, the aim of which is to create a transversal space in which nurses can develop their professional skills and get the most out of the rest of the services offered by the Official College of Nursing, such as the job pool or the library, as well as the experience of the professionals who are members (nurses and other technical and professional profiles) to be able to innovate in different areas related to nursing.
▪      Desenvolupa’t (Develop yourself). Nurses, ever-present in everybody’s life situations and traditionally multifaceted and creative, have some unique skills, abilities and attitudes thanks to their holistic and integral vision and their knowledge, which is of high transversal impact given their position in society and in the health system. This programme plans to develop different curricular university courses in Catalonia, enabling the training of new professional nursing profiles that will be leaders in their field. In this sense, it is expected that there will be a possibility of incorporating Master’s programmes on topics such as innovation, entrepreneurship and the development of personal, professional and managerial nursing skills, personal and occupational health consultation or consultancy for the development of wholesome organisations.

Source of information: Centre d’Innovació i Desenvolupament Infermer (IDIC) [Internet]. Catalonia [consulted on the 9th of September, 2018]. Available at 



-       To empower the nursing profession and help it to reach a leading position in innovation


Employee satisfaction . Supporting and promoting innovative ideas that arise from the nursing team.

Teams trained. Making it possible to train new professional nursing profiles.

Management scopes

Create a sustainable future

Make the most of creativity and innovation

Achieve success through people’s talent






Published on*** 9 Sep 2018


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